Welcome To Harrowood Seniors Community
An extraordinary enclave where residents have all the conveniences and genuine comforts of home. A place to call your own with all of the best features such as fine dining, social programs, and being in the beautiful country, with plenty of walking paths to the park next door or a minute’s drive to Lake Erie.
Savor your privacy or participate in the array of available amenities and activities. Harrowood Seniors Community encourages you to create an active, independent lifestyle where you can truly enjoy your retirement years.
Our Community
Bringing The Best Of All Worlds Home
At Harrowood Seniors Community, as soon as you enter the facility, you will feel the warmth and comfort of home.
“I don’t believe I have met such friendly and polite people in a retirement home. From the moment we walked into the facility to have a tour for our mom, my sisters and I all felt very welcome and comfortable. You can just feel the warmth when you enter the centre. ”The St.Pierre Family
“The best thing about Harrowood is the night staff. They tuck you in and say goodnight. It makes you feel at home.Ann Watters